Browsing: Index / Tertiary Institutions / Christchurch Polytechnic (1-10 of 27 Sites)
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School of Engineering
Offers various levels of qualifications from certificates, diplomas and a degree in a range of engineering fields including, civil, mechanical, Computer Aided Design (CAD) and electronic and computer
Views: 13288   Hits: 599
  Added/Updated: Wednesday, January 23, 2008
New Zealand Broadcasting School
Provider of media education and training. The School offers the Bachelor of Broadcasting Communications (BBc) degree. Information on staff, degrees, diplomas and for interns and students.
Views: 14733   Hits: 559
  Added/Updated: Wednesday, January 23, 2008
CPIT: School of Applied Science
CPIT's programmes of study in science. FAQs and information on science, how to apply and school leavers study grants plus useful industry links.
Views: 11721   Hits: 513
  Added/Updated: Wednesday, December 19, 2007
New Zealand Broadcasting School
Provider of media education and training. The School offers the Bachelor of Broadcasting Communications (BBc) degree. Information on staff, degrees, diplomas and for interns and students.
Views: 6754   Hits: 332
  Added/Updated: Thursday, January 13, 2005
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
Comprehensive tertiary education provider. Full information on courses, schools, enrolment, research, campuses, enterprise, international students and facilities.
Views: 9955   Hits: 269
  Added/Updated: Thursday, January 13, 2005
Faculty of Applied Technology: School of Engineering
Consists of sections that cover a variety of mechanical and related engineering domains, including automotive, motor body, manufacturing, welding, mechanical engineering and computer aided design. E
Views: 5672   Hits: 332
  Added/Updated: Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Faculty of Health and Sciences: School of Science
Information on programmes and courses that lead to a diverse range of careers based on the sciences.
Views: 14755   Hits: 750
  Added/Updated: Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Faculty of Applied Technology: School of Art and Design
Information on an extensive range of creative courses and programmes including the three year design degree, with pathways in Craft Art, Visual Communication and Interior Design. Plus detail of fu
Views: 9015   Hits: 613
  Added/Updated: Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Faculty of Applied Technology: School of Engineering
Consists of sections that cover a variety of mechanical and related engineering domains, including automotive, motor body, manufacturing, welding, mechanical engineering and computer aided design. E
Views: 8108   Hits: 409
  Added/Updated: Monday, November 11, 2002
Faculty of Applied Technology: School of Art and Design
Information on an extensive range of creative courses and programmes including the three year design degree, with pathways in Craft Art, Visual Communication and Interior Design. Plus detail of fu
Views: 11628   Hits: 533
  Added/Updated: Monday, November 11, 2002
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