Browsing: Index / Tertiary Institutions / University of Canterbury (21-30 of 56 Sites)
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Department of Political Science
The academic discipline that systematically studies the various dimensions of political life. Courses, links, research, staff, contact, seminar, publication, activity and alumni information, plus noti
Views: 5722   Hits: 522
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
Department of Psychology
A balanced and comprehensive set of courses. Introduction to psychology and information on staff, undergraduate and postgraduate courses, scholarships, employment, plus links to psychology resources a
Views: 6948   Hits: 1305
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
Department of Social Work
Helps develop an effective framework for committed practice as change-agents. Information about social work, people in the Department, courses, fieldwork, careers and the Violence Research Centre, p
Views: 5114   Hits: 638
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Explores the way societies are structured, relationships between people and the regular and patterned ways we behave in our everyday social life. General information on administration, Sociology and A
Views: 7536   Hits: 959
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
Department of Speech and Language Therapy
Educates in both theoretical and applied aspects of human communication sciences and disorders. Information about undergraduate and postgraduate study, people, research, clinical services and location
Views: 5164   Hits: 556
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
The Department of Theatre and Film Studies
Study theatre and film as performing arts and as cultural processes. Course, staff, Christchurch Free Theatre and Te Puna Toi (Performance Research Project) information, plus Theatre and Film Studies
Views: 6199   Hits: 723
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
Department of Zoology
Covers a broad range of studies of animals including their evolution, life history, behaviour, physiology, biochemistry, genetics and their relationships to other organisms and the environment. Course
Views: 5492   Hits: 525
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
Education Department
An interdisciplinary field of knowledge rather than a single field of study. Offers a wide range of courses which may form part of a variety of first and postgraduate degrees. Contacts, postgraduate
Views: 13718   Hits: 475
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
Engineering Management
Site provides all the information needed about the course such as MEM application requirements, selection criteria, course content, past MEM project briefs, and contacts to MEM Alumni members.
Views: 5423   Hits: 369
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
Gateway Antarctica
Centre for Antartic Studies and Research. Contributes to an increased understanding and more effective management of the Antarctic and the Southern Ocean by being a focal point and a catalyst for Anta
Views: 4594   Hits: 504
  Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
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